Spheres of influenceDemons, pain, torture
AlignmentChaotic Evil
DomainsBlood, Chaos, Demon, Evil, Torture
Favored weaponWhip
SymbolA dagger with blood dripping off the blade
Divine focusA bloodied dagger
Holy daysThe winter solstice is the highest holy day. Monthly, it is the new moon
Place of worship
ColorsPurple, indigo and black
AppearanceUunas appears as a thin being dressed in black leather with a black studded leather hood. He speaks in a low raspy voice and has penetrating gray eyes.
ChurchOrder of Agony
ClergyMinistry of Misery
RaimentMinisters of Misery dress in black leather and wear studded leather executioner-style hoods. Rank within the ministry is designated by the type of hood worn.