December 15th, 2024
Terra, Artis 30th, 1194 (Continued)
We attend our evening meeting—Thauglorauthamiir leads us west to the designated area. We walk through some fog and suddenly we’re on a mountain top. We head to a cave with a large room that is warded with runes, then the council arrives.
They address us and speak of the urgency of the situation. Thauglorauthamiir was tasked with guarding the citadel and the council is upset that he didn’t bring this to their attention earlier, “as soon as he realized the power of the Achitects lingered there”.
Their leader then addresses us and asks what we know of the Celestial Attendants. They believe the gilarabrywn may be something that they summoned. It’s presences suggests that there is something tethering the creature to the area, as if on guard. If this one was made long ago, then something must have triggered its reactivation. If it was made recently, that could be worse.
Gilarabrywn are magical beasts of war created by powerful spellcasters. A sacrifice of a loved one is required to make it. If you know what soul was used to create it, you can determine how to destroy it. Their creation is now forbidden, due to how difficult they are to destroy.
The council wants us to either destroy it or seal it away. They will reward us, but failure would result in death.
Graynor asks for some information on the black dragon that has the set item he’s been looking for. It’s name is Nightscale and the council assures his cooperation.
Forte, Custodia 1st, 1194
Graynor asks his church about gilarabrywn, but they don’t know anything. A Valiant will be in tomorrow and may know more.
Sigmund and Ralzer visit Lairn. He will try and get in touch with an Archmage and get back to us.
Ty and Ishtar meet with Mikhail. He knows of gilarabrywn, but not by that name. The Parish may have some information and he’ll look into it.
Ty meets with Judge Balefrost. He accepts the Orrery of Infinite Spheres, but does not know very much about gilarabrywn. Ty catches him up on what has happened since the last meeting.
Bellum, Custodia 2nd, 1194
While waiting for information, we will try and secure Graynor’s item from Nightscale. We travel to Khundrukar via plants, where we manage to find the underground lake and Nightscale. Graynor purchases the cloak from the dragon and Nightscale is surprised to receive money in the transaction, as he was instructed to give it to Graynor. He also gives him a bonus Obsidian Scale Amulet.
We make camp outside.
Iustitia, Custodia 3rd, 1194
We arrive back in Ironwald Downs, via plants, and Graynor meets with Valiant Morvant. He knows of gilarabrywn as being raw magic and are immune to most things and they are guided by their wielder.
We head to our meeting with the Magic Circle at the Temple of Enchantment and meet with Archmage Sandoval about gilarabrywn.
One way to destroy one is to learn it’s name, as in the person whose soul was used to create it. Then, engrave a weapon with that name and pierce its heart. One such weapon is always created when making a gilarabrywn.
Another way might be to overwhelm it with magic energy. Using leylines would probably work for this.
Sandoval is able to see our mythic auras and comments that Ralzer’s looks different. He tells her about his experience talking with the giant crystal in the Silverdale obelisk and she asks that he let her know if he starts to feel different.
After the meeting, Ralzer goes shopping for magic ingredients. The Umbral Bazaar, a store he’s visited before, is much different now. Inside, it’s much bigger than it should be and the shadows in here do not operate normally. The proprietor is much different too, not human. Ralzer asks him about gilarabrywn and he says he will look into it if Ralzer allows him to read his memories. Ralzer agrees.
Mors, Custodia 4th, 1194
We head to the Citadel, greet the kobolds and head to the basement. We check our collapsed tunnel and it’s been broken through with brute force.
We revisit the dragon altar that we could never figure out. Casting fire on the tray causes 4 red gems to fall out of the dragon. Touching them gives a sensation of fire power.
We spot the gilarabrywn in the area of Tolm’s star map. We leave it alone and discuss what to do. Our best option is to venture into the Underdark tunnel that the gilarabrywn came from.