July 15th, 2023

Mors, Dracones 5th, 1194 (Continued)

We find a secret door that looks as if the orcs didn’t know about it; it leads to a barracks. Down the hall there is a double door with a bloody human skull staked to it. Inside is Zeltron, an ogre divine caster who bears the holy symbol of Thrax–Thrax is the god of hate, malice, and madness. We kill Zeltron and camp in the barracks.

Vita, Dracones 6th, 1194

We find a pair of prisoners from Rivershade, Geradil and Courana; whom we release after making sure the area is secured. Beyond a barricaded hallway we encounter four stirges and a large set of stairs going down. In what looks like a shabby office we find a secret door that leads back to the main area. Sigmund tracks three individuals using this secret passage to escape within the last day or so.

We take the stairs down, which lead to a large, natural cavern system. There are a lot of stirges down here. In a room with yellow mold are two dwarf skeletons, one has a glowing bastard sword with a maker’s mark on it. We burn down the mold and take the sword.

Luna smells something she doesn’t like and soon after we all discover the awful smell. It turns out to belongs to some hiding lizard people. They have a pet bear and Ralzer obliterates its with a scorching ray and the lizard people go down shortly after.

While exploring Ty spots a grick ambush. Gricks are ambush predator aberrations. In The Sundered Carapace some gricks are living in a decayed corpse of an enormous creature that Investigator Vale is exploring. He encounters a pair of them slowly consuming an enlarged parasite.