AliasKnight of the Gods, The Protector, Champion of Good
Spheres of influenceLight, protection, strength
AlignmentLawful Good
DomainsGood, Law, Light, Protection, Strength
Favored weaponLance
SymbolA white porcelain shield with a woman's figure
Divine focusA cloth bearing the above symbol
Holy daysVernal and autumnal equinox
Place of worshipTemples and altars in cities
ColorsBlue, gold and white
AnimalsWhite stallion
AppearanceMadri appears as a muscular, golden-eyed being with long, wavy, white hair streaked with gold. Clad in blue clothing with golden full plate armor
ChurchTemple of Salvation
ClergyThe Crusaders
SacrificeThe symbols or weapons of defeated foes, immediately after battle.
RaimentRobes or tunics as listed below.
Advancement within the church is gained by confronting, combating, and destroying evil.
GuardianWhite and blue
ChampionWhite and gold
GallantBlue and gold
HeroBlue, white and gold
ValiantWhite and blue checkered robe with a gold belt
Sayings"We're perfectly harmless", said with a grin.
“A coward dies a thousand times, a brave man only once.”