Campaign Notes

Moravia Redux – Session 2

March 18th, 2023

Bellum, Dolorem 11th, 1193 (Continued)

The weather is cold and misty, so we bundle up. Sigmund has agreed to stay in town for a week to create water while the diseased water runs it’s course. We check on the body pit and it’s still burning–Sigmund believes the disease to be the Burning Plague. Ty will take advantage of the cold weather and do some outdoors training. Meanwhile, Ralzer is making a new gun. We are also a little sick from the disease, so we spend time recovering.

Iustitia, Dolorem 12th, 1193

Ralzer is looking pretty sick and he needs to rest while Ty continues to train outside. Ralzer will be crafting while resting.

Mors, Dolorem 13th, 1193

Ralzer is looking better!

Vita, Dolorem 14th, 1193

Ralzer looking less good.

Mare, Dolorem 15th, 1193

Ralzer getting worse…

Terra, Dolorem 16th, 1193

Ralzer getting better!

Forte, Dolorem 17th, 1193

Ralzer getting worse…

Bellum, Dolorem 18th, 1193

Ralzer is getting worse in spite of the really good stew that Sigmund has made. We go check on the burning pit of corpses. While Sigmund is rooting through the bodies, Ty makes copies of the runes in the lower room. Sigmund is able to identify the language as orc and the copying goes smoothly. The writing looks to be a plea to Neith for assistance in revenge. It seems that the orc was confident that Short Rock Pass was to blame for the massacre of his tribe about 10 years ago.

We go back up to gather information on what happened 10 years ago. Sarah Ainsworth, the owner of the Running Horse, has some stories to tell. About 10 years ago someone started a militia to take care of an orc stronghold in the mountains. However, only one person from Short Rock went with them. She thinks his surname was Wilxis. The mayor confirms this, but can’t offer much more information.

Iustitia, Dolorem 19th, 1193

Ralzer gets a little better and Sigmund follows up on that Wilxis person. Mayor Sendar believes that Wilxis left town a while ago.

Mors, Dolorem 20th, 1193

Ralzer doesn’t get better and we decide we’re going to have to make the trip to Ironwald Downs, a 4.375 day trip.

Mare, Dolorem 22nd, 1193

Ralzer finally gets over the Burning Plague and travel on the main road is pretty safe. Late in the morning the sky takes a strange deep purple color that starts flowing towards us. It feels really nice, even the grass starts to grow extraordinarily fast–this effect is very wide. We certainly seem to be turning purple, while the snow around us isn’t. Sigmund uses detect magic and is almost knocked out. He says that the effect is stronger than even the Well of Knowledge in Delanshire, which is an artifact. After about 500-600 feet the effect begins to fade and it looks like a huge beam from the clouds. Our skin remains slightly purple, which fades over a few hours, but a small patch stays on our necks. Over the next couple days of travel we meet other people that saw this phenomenon.

Forte, Dolorem 24th, 1193

We arrive at Ironwald Downs in the early morning and Ralzer escorts us to his place. The purple bruises on our necks seem to be becoming  pattern of some kind. Ty and Ralzer don’t know their way around, so Ralzer will be the guide. We first go to the temple of Nissa.

Sigmund looks into his divine connection as an oracle and Ty wants to have an expert look at her book; an Expounder, Nadal, will help us with both. Based on the reading he performs, he believes that Nissa may be Sigmund’s source. He also suggests that the author of Ty’s book may be the cause of it’s value. However, when Ty explains that she believes it’s value is not driven by money, Nadal suggests speaking to another specialist and will schedule a follow-up.

Before we leave, Nadal notices out markings. He tries to hide his concern, but tells us that 4 months ago similar markings appeared on other individuals as a result of an artifact being activated, a dagger, whom are now missing. They are Camael, an aasimar cleric of Madri, Samjogo, a tengu ranger, Greynor, a half-elf paladin of Madri, Poshment, a gnome oracle, and Tinley, a suli monk. The dagger was used in the assassination of a city council member. The assassin died in the custody of the Legion of Bones and rumor says the assailant had serpentine organs.

The church of Nissa had the missing individuals investigate a crazy brigand that began talking gibberish. The church believes this could be the sign of a prophecy, and if true, could be bad. However, if even one sign is proven false, then it’s safe… for now. If we decide to pursue this, Nadal asks that we see him first.

Sigmund wants to visit the city’s famed gardens, which are in a very nice part of town.


Moravia Redux – Session 1

March 11th, 2023

Terra, Dolorem 9th, 1193

Short Rock Pass,  is a bustling boom town due that recently discovered silver in the mines. he citizens are glum about their water supply going bad and kobolds taking over the mines. Sigmund and Ralzer meet at the gate, overhearing the town’s dilemma–for which Mayor Sendar may offer a reward. Ty see’s the that the mines are boarded up and guarded, and enters town looking for information. Sigmund investigates the well that has gone bad and the three meet while heading towards the mayor’s residence.

Sigmund offers to look at the well to try and identify the issue. In conversation, the mayor learns that we are adventurers and offers us a job to clear the mines of the kobolds. Sigmund checks out the well and can tell that it’s contaminated, but can’t identify the exact issue. We stay the night at the Running Horse while Sigmund makes water for the town.

Forte, Dolorem 10th, 1193

We arrive at the mines and the entrance shows signs of an attempted cave-in, of which the guards are unaware of and doesn’t seem to be part of the town’s plan. We encounter 8 kobolds, whom turns to be diseased, and one escapes. Farther in we meet a large group of kobolds, including a leader of some kind, and none of them are in good health. Ralzer manages to parlay with them and we offer to give them clean water. The kobold leader takes us to a storage room where Ty finds a hiding diseased dire weasel.

Sigmund secures safe passage for the kobolds to leave tomorrow and they tell Ralzer that the mine is cursed. We find out that something has been taking the dead bodies of both the townsfolk and kobold alike.

We continue to explore the mine and find a huge pit of dead bodies. Leading up to and culminating in the pit is an unnatural amount of heat, the faint sound of water can also be heard from this area. Lots of zombies crawl out of the pit while we pass through the hot corpse room. We kill them and head back to town to rest.

Bellum, Dolorem 11th, 1193

We venture forth into the mines and Sigmund works on clearing out that pit of bodies. He makes some progress, but the room is too nasty to continue. As we make our war farther down, the sound of moving water becomes more clear. We discover a very large room with a massive stalagmite in the middle of a pool of water. The walls are covered in strange runes and a robed orc is there and not happy to see us.

The orc wants revenge against the humans that killed his tribe. We kill and and find on him a symbol of Neith. Neith is the Chaotic Evil God of murder and revenge. His symbol is a skull-headed scorpion with blood dripping from the stinger. Sigmund has had experience with a priest of Neith corrupting a Well of Knowledge in his hometown of Delanshire. Before we leave, Sigmund sets fire to the body pit and gives some silver ore to the kobolds.

We deliver the update to Mayor Sendar, who says he knows nothing about who may have killed that orc’s tribe; this town is clearly not a warmongering community. As a reward, we can help ourselves to some silver ore in the mine.


Moravia – Session 6

March 8th, 2020

Forte, Intinerantur 23rd, 1193

Descend the stairs in the ravine. After descending about 70 feet, we see the top of the old fortress. The walls are now cracked and worn.

A portion of the floor collapses under Camael, who then engages in mortal combat with another dire rat. Goodness and justice prevail, and we move on.

Find two dead goblins, one impaled on a short spear. Then the spear is removed, the body slumps, revealing deep inset runes with a word in draconic: Glorfindel.

Graffiti on some of the walls say, “here there be dragons.” A whimpering kobold is hiding in a bedroll. He claims to be the keeper of a dragon that was stolen by a goblin named Grenl. The dragon is named Thauglorauthamiir and is black. The kobold’s name is Kroga, the keeper of dragons. He is going to take us to Mozdrog, the leader of the kobolds.

Mozdrog reports that the goblins live with a druid who has creatures similar to the twigblights we have encountered previously.

At Mozdrog’s order, Kroga will guide us to the goblin territory.

Find a room with three magical items: a continual flame candle, a potion of resist energy: fire, and a whistle with a faint necromantic aura. Upon picking up the whistle, five skeletons rise from sarcophagi with the images of elves carved on the outside. The carvings appear to be elven nobles due to the ceremonial robes on the outside.

A further area has goblins shooting from cover across a floor strewn with caltrops. A fall back position for the goblins is also cleared of the small sized menaces. There are signs that the creatures cook and eat here. In total, there were six in total.

Six more goblins are found in a makeshift barracks. They are handily defeated.


Moravia – Session 5

January 26th, 2020

Bellum, Intinerantur 17th, 1193

There seems to be a serpentine path from an unusually large snake.

Jeras, an old friend of Samjogo’s is in the path in front of us. He asks us what our business is. He is not a fan of followers of Madri. While we talk, he initiates some kind of spell-like ability, to no effect. Combat ensues. These people seem to know Samjogo very well and are interested in taking Samjogo down. One of them is a nagaji, a type of humanoid naga. After realizing they are outmatched, they flee.

Mare, Intinerantur 21st, 1193

Arrive in Westermoor, late in the day. The town is small, only about 800 people.

Dodd Webb seems to be the crazy person that said the stars were talking to him. He was well into his cups when he was spouting this nonsense.

Terra, Intinerantur 22nd, 1193

Wait at the Old Boar Inn for Dodd Webb to show up. He is allegedly at the inn quite a lot.

Needle wounds on cattle have been reported in the area. Several adventurers have been reported missing, two of which were asking about an old citadel that was lost in a ravine. One was a paladin of Breen, god of good dragons.

Dodd Webb shows up at the Old Boar Inn. He seems crazy. He hands Graynor a map, telling him that he is compelled to draw it again every time he gets rid of it. He tells us where he heard the stars talk to him. He only heard the stars once, but when he says what they said, it sounds like gibberish. He says the stars literally came down and talked to him, just as if he was talking to people next to him. He was terrified, completely overcome with dread.

Encounter twig blights. They are not formidable, but their attacks are piercing, similar to what has been mentioned has been killing cows in the region. They are rare but sometimes created by druids. Could there be a druid in the area?

Forte, Intinerantur 23rd, 1193

Travel for about six hours before encountering a long but narrow ravine. There are several pillars on top of the ravine. These seem to be man-made and are broken, leaning in toward the ravine. Warnings in goblin are on the pillars, warning travelers to stay away. There are signs of several old campfires, though it does not appear that anyone has used one in at least a month. A knotted rope leads down into a ravine. Samjogo leads the way. At the bottom of the ravine, stairs lead downwards.


Moravia – Session 4

December 15th, 2019

Iustitia, Intinerantur 11th, 1193 (continued)

Guardian Bert Prater is the priest of the temple of Madri that agreed to send out Graynor and Camael to work for the Inevitable Order. The church of Madri often helps out in various causes, which is why Graynor and Camael were lent out. Madri helps often with the Inevitable Order and the Church of Breen.

We report to Nadal from the Inevitable Order. He is very interested in what we found; he fakes interest in our discovery of the Architects, but his feeble lies are easily pierced. He is more interested in the map, star chart, and portal. He asks for the map, and we give it to him. Nadal says the portal will likely be investigated further. The Prophets, the clergy of the Inevitable Order, have had several visions that have been coming true. The portal we were sent to investigate was part of one of those visions. This is the second of the visions that have been confirmed through investigation.

The marks on our necks have begun to fade and now look more like tendrils. Nadal advises us to see his friend, Laern, a wizard in the city, about the marks. He is an unaffiliated wizard, though he is closest involved with the Magic Circle, a loose collection of wizards.

The assassin was in the custody of the Legion of Bones, a guard troop for the nobles, when he died. They occasionally help with the normal guards. There is a rumor that he was not human, thus far unsubstantiated.

Laern asks about the attack when the soul was stolen. He specifically asks about the dagger used and whether or not the gem in the dagger was black or clear, of which it was the latter, and if the dagger was made of cold-iron, which it was. Laern believes the dagger is a very old magic item, called a Mindstone Dagger. The purpose of these daggers is to steal the souls of important individuals. Once the daggers get to a certain number of powerful souls taken, the daggers activate. Other important people have recently been killed, and it could be related to this. I may be biased, but these notes seem much more complete than Joe’s.

If the dagger used was a Mindstone Dagger, and if we were present during the stealing of a soul, the markings on us would likely be the result of a now fading residual magical influence.

Samjogo and Tinley look into the Legion of the Bones. They are located in the Gardens. Their purpose is also to further the power of the housed they are attached to. These guards guard house Rane, a noble house with a negative reputation. The Ironwald Downs Historical and Horticultural Preservation Society is the group that decides which houses are on the noble court, which decides which house guards guard the nobles. The society is known to be bribable, in order to get on the court. They term it a donation.

A Legion of the Bones member in full plate speaks to Samjogo and Tinley. He does not seem to believe their story about representing a powerful anonymous party interested in the alleged Mindstone Dagger. The murderer who died in their possession, allegedly cast a spell to take his own life.

Joe, you get 381 gold and 2 silver. Make sure you tithe, bitch.

Mors, Intinerantur 12th, 1193

The party heads out to retrieve the left-behind cold-iron ore.

Spend the night in the ruins.

Vita, Intinerantur 13th, 1193

Travel back to Ironwald Downs.

Sell the ore and leather.

Joe, you get 198 gold. Make sure you tithe, bitch.

Mare, Intinerantur 14th, 1193

Camael receives a note that Nadal wishes to speak with us. Goudhur Rane visited Nadal’s superiors. He is the leader of the Legion of Bones. He brought the knife Samjogo and Tinley were asking about. It was a Mindstone Dagger with a clear crystal, meaning it was spent and the souls were released. Nadal recommends not approaching the Legion of Bones or the Rane family in the future. Commander Rane seemed to indicate the prisoner may have not been human as well, his internal organs somehow seeming serpentine. Goudhur took the dagger back, and Nadal believes it could be used again. The High Prophet believes one way of destroying the dagger would be to take it to Heaven and quenching it in any natural waters there.

Nadal would like us to look into the mountain that collapsed in the South, near Vallyn. There is also a Bear Leader that disappeared, near Coran’s Pass in the Blackstone Region. The noble child he was watching over is fine. In Westermoor, a village in Ironwald Downs, a brigand was spinning wild tales about the stars coming down and talking to him, and about the forest moving and walking around. Nadal would be interested in us looking into any of these as they all may be involved in various prophecies.

The brigand is closest to us, so that seems to be the direction we are headed.

The reason these prophecies is of a concern is that they may have something to do with calling the Outer Gods. These are powerful beings that are not true gods but are very powerful. They are completely amoral chaotic beings that perform evil acts but not for evil intent. They bring destruction and ruin.

Nadal gives us a one use sending stone we can use in our travels. He also gives us an item from Commander Rane, another puzzle box. When opened, there is a button that when pressed makes it slightly warmer. Then when closed back up, it projects a 3D model of a foreign solar system.

Joe, you get 20 gold from Nadal for spending money for the trip.

Terra, Intinerantur 15th, 1193



Moravia – Session 3

November 17th, 2019

Forte, Intinerantur 9th, 1193

The party follows the goblins who carried Graynor away.  They follow the tracks to a shrubbery, further searching reveal Graynor’s footprints and a tunnel beyond.  At the back of the tunnel, there is a ladder that descends 30 feet into a pit. Camael responds to a goblins demand by dropping his weapon, then dropping the goblin.  The remaining goblin runs off.

The party continues through the tunnel until it exits a bit later.  About an hour later, the party comes upon an encampment.  Camael is asked to enter alone and does so.  A brief time later the party is reunited in the camp.  We are asked to wait for the dryad, Daphnis.  Poshment tells us that fighting the dryad would be a bad idea, as special weapons would likely be required.  We meet a druidic goblin, Zata, who has a war cat.  We agree to wait until its time to go see the dryad.  Graynor explains that he has met Pashalik the leader of the goblins.

We rest during the day, and at night we travel many hours to go see the dryad.  We are introduced by Zata as those who have seen the portal.  Samjogo mentions that not only have we seen it, we’ve been through it.  The navigational tools we found were likely created by the architects.  They worshiped old beings, who weren’t quite dieties.  Daphnis tells us that the portal leads to a void world.  She asked if we’ve met anything on the otherside, apparently they are quite dangerous.  After further questioning, she tells us Voidwalkers are like assassins.  They have void hounds with them, they often find you.  Poshmint has heard stories of other cults using powerful items to pull creatures into this world.  He also knew that she is older and there is something different than a normal dryads.  Townsfolk that used to live in this town had fought the fae.

She wants us to find out what the inevitable order wants with all of this.  Maybe the assassins on the other side are hiring or some how possessing people here.  After we leave Daphnis, we talk about how she seemed to be more than a dryad.  We open the treasure box and find a Lunar Amulet.

Bellum, Intinerantur 10th, 1193

We see a pair of figures at the top of the hill and head up to investigate.  When we round the corner, we see two ogre children playing between the building.  They engage us and we do our best to respond.  Camael stablizes their crumpled bodies, Tinley recovers from a dizzying hit, Samgojo takes their lunch money, Graynor distributes their goods, all while Poshmint spends unnecessarily long time breaking their toys and advocating for the end of their misery.

  • Cure light wounds
  • Cure light wounds
  • Oil of magic weapon
  • Money 34g, 47sp, 130cp
  • Gems 360gp

We move another hour away before camping.

Iustitia, Intinerantur 11th, 1193

We make it back to Ironwald Downs in the afternoon.


Moravia – Session 2

November 3rd, 2019

Mare, Itinerantur 7th, 1193 (continued)

We arrive to a set of ruins that have clearly be overcome by nature.  We decide to investigate just enough to bed down for the evening.  Samjogo stops Graynor for walking into a bear trap and we look around the main room and find:

  • Barrels 10x
  • Cooking Kit
  • Heat Stone
  • Vial
  • Larger Vial

We here a noise in the night, but it appears to go away after we are all awake.  A short time later, the noises resume.  This time we head outside to investigate and find a kobold and two goblins.  Kobolds are interested in traps of all sorts, perhaps this explains the bear trap.

Terra, Intinerantur 8th, 1193

Building 1 – Temple

Camael and Graynor search the temple for items left behind.

  • Incense sticks 10x 10gp
  • Thurible 50gp

Building 3 – House

Ceiling is collapsed, but we can still enter.  I step in a bear trap

  • Pyrography Kit 1gp
  • Smoked Goggles 10gp
  • Tinder Twig 1gp
  • Bear trap 1gp
  • Map appears to be over 1000 years old, but the paper seems new
  • Scroll case with arcane spell 25gp

Building 4 – House with boarded up and windows

This home is noticably colder than the other:

  • Magnesium 1gp
  • Heat stone 20gp
  • Broken Astrolabe normally 1000gp
  • Extremely old clothing

Building 5 – House with blackened and cracked walls

This house contains some vermin, two spiders.  It looks like some books where piled up and set on fire.  The remenants of the books seemed to be scratched out, before they were burned.

  • Small vial
  • Magnesium 1gp
  • Broken Sextent normally 500gp

Building 6 – Workshop

This workshop is in better repair than most of the buildings.

  • Thick leather 3gp per sq yard 30x
  • Cold Iron Ore 9gp per pound 100x
  • Animal glue 5sp
  • Masterwork stonemason’s tools 50gp

Building 7 – Store house

This storehouse has broken cabinets.

  • Bear trap 2gp
  • Chain 10ft 30gp
  • Climber’s Kit 80gp
  • Common Dungeoneering Kit 15gp
  • Survival Kit 5gp
  • Grappling Hook 1gp
  • Rope (hemp) 50ft
  • Tindertwig 1gp

We spiral out from the town looking for other clues.  We see a bunch of tracks that appear to be patrolling, way before us.  We head back to the temple to perform once last check.

  • Hidden bookshelf with scraps of burnt paper and binding
  • Grand orrery 1000gp
  • Starcharts 200gp
  • Pendant with strange symbol (holy symbol)
  • Small box

We also find a secret door with a staircase leading down.  There is a stone ring on the wall with a strange writing on it.  After searching, Graynor notices that the ring rotates and a silver shimmery surface appears over the ring.  A rock tossed into the ring doesn’t appear on the other side.  After much discussion, we toss food, then ourselves through the gate.  Runes appear periodically throughout this strange new area.  Sand blows across the ground forming miniature dunes.

We rest that evening in the temple.  We are assaulted on 3rd watch and after a stunning series of victories by the goblins and kobolds, they drag Graynor’s lifeless body out of the temple.

Forte, Intinerantur 9th, 1193

It takes a few hours, but the party is able to track down the trail of these bandits.


Moravia – Session 1

October 6th, 2019


Graynor Olonan – Half-Elf – Paladin of Madri – Lived in the city for a long time.

Camael – Aasmiar – Cleric of Madri – creamy skin, grey eyes, timeless look, he’s svelte but .  Very neat and orderly.  Long spear, scale mail.

Tinley Verma – Suli Monk – tall, unarmored, but he wears a kilt with a problem its scorched on the edges.  He’s got a top knot.  He’s an ugly Jaan.  He worships Namas.

Samjogo – Tengu Ranger – black crow with feathers.  He’s a guide.

Poshment – Gnome Oracle – Doesn’t know that he is a Degigi.  He has a snake mutation.  He has lived as an orphan in the Home Foundation which is church of the Cassilda.  He’s got blue hair, but is otherwise a gnome that plays down his unusual feature.  He knows being an Oracle is divine, so he’s trying to decide why he has these powers.

Mors, Itinerantur 5th, 1193

Poshment, Samjogo, Tinley, Camael, and Graynor all end up in the busy market of Ironwald Downs.  There is a pain filled scream in the market.  When we look up it appears a robed figure with a knife in a city official’s throat.  The figure stabs the dying man a second time and it creates a pop.  Camael recognizes this sound as the man stealing this offical’s soul.  We kill him swiftly.  After the battle, it appears as if we have a new tattoo.  We speculate the channeling done by the murderer has scarred us.

We wait for the guards to arrive, then are escorted back to the guard house.  Guard Kneller questions us, then asks us to spend the night.  He confirms that it was someone who sits on one of the city council was targeted.  He will not confirm which council.

Vita, Itinerantur 6th, 1193

Nadal is from the Inevitable Order, the church of Nissa.  He informs us that the person who was stabbed was Representative Cuthher.  We describe the details of the murder to Nadal.  He asks if we can understand that language that he spoke.  Samjogo thinks he would recognize it, if he heard it again.  Nadal says someone may ask about it again.  He also thinks he may be able to get us out sooner.  It seems Samjogo has some affiliation with the temple of Hastur.  Nadal seems to be the 2nd tier (Expounder) of 6 tiers total.

Shortly after Nadal leaves, we are released.  He meets us at our temple, then confirms that will we meet outside the Inevitable Order the next morning.

Mare, Itinerantur 7th, 1193

Nadal walks in to our meeting room.  Strange things have been happening across the country.  Nadal asks us to do him a favor in exchange for releasing us early.  We investigate a village where a prophesy *may* be taking place.  We decide to take the shortcut to said village.  During the descent Camael trips and tumbles down the hill, he lays still at the bottom of the hill.  Graynor slides down to his aid, but can’t help him.  Poshment heals Camael and it becomes clear he’s sprained his ankle.

We see an old overgrown path and begin to follow it.  We keep finding traps and even see a small green creature who runs off.  After four hours these monsters, Goblins, attack us.  Their “dog” mauls Camael, who falls under the paw of this mutt.  It appears as if we’ve made it to the village.

  • 3x Short swords
  • 3x Short bows