Campaign Notes

Moravia Redux – Session 32

May 18th, 2024

Mare, Artis 1st, 1194 (Continued)

We discuss what to do with our unconscious prisoner, but can’t settle on any method of questioning that would deliver results. Ty recommends a merciful execution, but Graynor declines. In the meantime, we will carry his body with us. We then head over to the small cave near the first meeting area.

After following a steep natural tunnel for a bit, it turns into a worked stone complex. Within this area, we feel a sensation similar to an unveiling, as if a strong presence is here. The first room That we visit has one of those incorporeal controlled bodies that Marcus told us about. It’s acting as some kind of servant and is not hostile. We leave our prisoner with him. Another room is locked with a magical effect and the next room looks to be used for storage with a dead body inside.

Across from that room is a library, in which several bad guys assault us, with one of them getting away. He must have teleported or used a secret door that we couldn’t find. One of the dead spellcasters had a Kaajh’Kaalbh symbol. During this fight, a strange-looking creature briefly engages with us from a flanking position; we couldn’t get a good look due to an ongoing fog spell. It leaves after a few rounds. We pursue in the direction that we think it went unless it also teleported.

The next room is large and ornate. It contains embalming materials and torture implements. Some of the texts here mention Uunas and the altar in this room has been reconfigured for Uunas; the original iconography was of eagles. The back wall is broken and leads to more natural caverns.

In these caverns, we keep hearing an unnerving scratching noise. While investigating we are ambushed by a marsh giant, some kind of giant lobster-looking creature, and an eldritch drifter (a semi-incorporeal undead). The lobster creature has runes inscribed on its carapace that look familiar to the Architect imagery that we’ve seen. The drifter was the source of those strange noises from earlier. Later in the brawl, the strange-looking creature from earlier rejoins and Graynor quickly dispatches it. Ralzer identifies it as a drowning devil.

Farther into the complex we find four more individuals that we suspect are incorporeal hosts. They are chained to four pillars, so we avoid them. The hallway eventually leads to a dead end and we begin moving back to the entrance while performing more thorough searches along the way.

Ty eventually brute forces her way through the magical door. Within this room is an ominous sarcophagus chained down with some strange purple lighting. We pick up our prisoner and leave.


Moravia Redux – Session 31

March 23rd, 2024

Iustitia, Lux 23rd, 1194

We settle on visiting Hallendren’s Deep to investigate the cult activity, which will take about 7.5 days of travel. Later in the day, Ralzer gets a delivery of the Thunderstrike Duo.

Mors, Lux 28th, 1194

At a crossroads we find a dead human woman hanging from a tree. It attacks once Graynor gets close to it. Upon closer inspection, we can see an incorporeal form within the body. During the combat, we are assisted by Marcus, a human male. The tattoo on his hand signifies him as a “Hand of Barnabas“, which is a mercenary group.

Marcus’ traveling companion was killed by this thing early this morning. Marcus then hung the creature from a tree to keep it in one place; he used a rope threaded with nephelium, as it has properties that affect undead. This is the same transparent metal that the Nightcaller whistle was composed of. He explains that a cult in the area will bind incorporeal undead into living bodies, where they remain dormant until the host expires. This one may have been a specter, since it inflicted negative levels.

Marcus wants to get his friend resurrected, which we cannot do. We ask him what he knows about the cult in the area. According to him, it’s composed of humans, elves, and orcs. However, there are some skum in the swamp that have also begun collaborating with them, since they have no aboleth masters in this area.

We bury the hanged person and converse more with Marcus. He will accompany us to Hallendren’s Deep and we will magically preserve his friend. While traveling, Marcus tells us about what he’s seen in the swamp.

  • Marsh giants – dangerous, produce fog effects and curse people
  • Dimensional shambler – teleports a lot, spellcasters want to study them
  • Color out of space – powerful ooze that has many immunities and spell resistance. They have a disintegrating touch, an aura of lassitude, and it grows bigger by blighting large areas of land or feeding on the living. In the Harmonic Dissonance, Investigator Vale needs to lure one of these into the aura of another creature with an aura of high energy.
  • Cerebric fungus – they read minds and adjust their appearance based on their findings. It has an otherworldly mind that resists detection and can inflect debilitations. They have fast healing and can cast spells. They’re vulnerable to sonic damage.
  • Shambling mounds – lots of them.

Vita, Lux 30th, 1194

We arrive in Hallendren’s Deep in the evening and Marcus recommends the Lonely Witch Inn. We secure lodgings and Sigmund will gather info about this cult. The cult seems to be located west of the city, which goes deeper into the swamp; most people avoid the swamp due to the obvious danger and there are no small villages in the swamp.

Graynor visits his temple to see what they know about the cult. He learns about some townsfolk that have gone missing.

Mare, Artis 1st, 1194

It’s the Summer Solstice. We investigate the missing townsfolk and get the names of two young ladies that have gone missing within the last month. Brey Shanks has been missing for 3 weeks and Sadie Shaulfer for 5 weeks. Both knew each other, but not very well. The families didn’t notice any changes in their behavior and they’ve had no new friends. Neither of them returned from school.

Graynor talks with the school admins about the missing girls, but doesn’t get any new information. Sigmund follows up with the town guard and also doesn’t get anything new, while getting the feeling that the guards are not really interested in the case.

At night Ty stakes out a western exit of the city, with a spell that will allow the rest of the party to track her while staying a good distance, and follows someone to a meeting deeper in the swamp. They meet up with three others outside of a small cave; all of which look to be human and they speak in undercommon. Ty catches the name Carcosa.

After about 90 minutes, they each depart in a different direction. Ty follows a new person, heading west.

This person heads to another gathering with 7 total people. They are joined by a skum about 30 minutes later. At this point we decide to engage them.

Everyone at the gathering is a spellcaster with holy symbols related to Kaajh’Kaalbh, with the skum and one other being a little stronger casters. We dispatch them, but not before the skum flees into the swampy depths. We manage to subdue one of them for questioning. Another person here is a dead woman with the same Architects symbol carved into her that we saw in the plane out of time. She is not one of the missing girls.

According to Ralzer, the Pnakotic Manuscripts references Carcosa as a plane that is supposed to touch the other planes, like the plane of shadow.

We should follow our trail back to the small cave that the first meeting was near.


Moravia Redux – Session 30

March 2nd, 2024

Vita, Lux 9th, 1194 (Continued)

By Ralzer’s calculations, it will take about 30 days of horse travel to get to Bremer from Ironwald Downs. We’ll set off to Ironwald Downs in the morning.

Bellum, Lux 13th, 1194

During first watch, Ralzer notices a strange pulsing light up the mountain. It’s about an hour away, so we all just decide to move camp to it and investigate. Around where we believe the light was, we find six hell hounds. Not long after we dispatch them, a portal pulses in a large stone arch. A large sized hell hound (nissian) and a snake-like humanoid (salamander) emerges. After killing them, the portal turns off again. The smaller hell hounds and the salamander felt as thought they had mythic sparks.

We then begin investigating the portal; Sigmund thinks it may be of Fey origin. According to the tracks around the area, there are several medium-sized, bipedal, cloven hoofed creatures that are unaccounted for.

We camp next to the portal.

Forte, Lux 19th, 1194

We arrive in Ironwald Downs. Graynor heads to his church to talk about securing faster travel to Bremer, Ralzer crafts ammunition, Ty goes to update Nadal, and Sigmund will report in with the Courts of Inequity (Sarama).

Sigmund is able to schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning and then meets up with Graynor to head to the Temple of Enchantment (Adira) to ask about the featureless corpse. Coyle, our point of contact, greets us and answers our questions. The featureless body had serpentine internal organs, like the person who killed Representative Cutther with the Mindstone Dagger. That body was then taken into custody by the Legion of Bones, a pseudo-police force run by House Rane.

Bellum, Lux, 20th, 1194

Our meeting is at 1pm with Judge Balefrost. He will secure teleportation and a letter of introduction for the mayor of Bremer. We ask him about the Mindstone Dagger, of which he last heard that the Courts of Justice (Angelique) had it and were looking for a way to destroy it.

Iustitia, Lux 21st, 1194

We meet with mage Laern Zolerii at the Magic Circle for our Teleportation– He’s happy to see us again. During the teleportation, Ralzer experiences some strange sensation and feels as if something was watching him. The last time we traveled through the astral plane (with plane shift from the Plane Out of Time) we had no issues. That is also the same day the paths on the Calendar diverged greatly.

We arrive in Bremer without any other complications; it’s a city about twice the size of Short Rock Pass.

First, we visit the Temple of Salvation (Madri), as they have been told of our coming. Protector Nathan Hoskins greets us. We mention our desire to investigate the obelisk and he’ll get us a meeting with Mayor Pearce. No one here has been able to approach the obelisk, due to the repulsion. Nathan recommends the Empty Barrel for food and drink, so we head there.

While at the Empty Barrel, Sigmund works the room to gather rumors and information.

  • There is talk of weird stuff and cult activity at Hallendren’s Deep (19).
  • The sky had a purple hue the same day that we saw it around Ironwald Downs when we first approached.
  • There have been strange plant growth around here.
  • The obelisk appeared the same time as the one in Ironwald Downs.
  • Animals have been behaving differently here.

Mors, Lux 22nd, 1194

Graynor and Ralzer have strange dreams again; Ralzer’s mind still feels the lingering effects from the teleportation.

We have our meeting with Mayor Pearce and he has no issue with us approaching the obelisk and wants to join us. We head out to see the Obelisk.

Sigmund is unable to dispel the repulsion effect and only Graynor and Ty are able to approach it. Ralzer, dejected that he cannot approach, leaves. Touching the obelisk does not cause bodies to fall out, but channeling our mythic energy does allow us entry. The inside is more deteriorated than the one in Ironwald Downs; much filthier and covered in lichen. The floor is cracked, there are no caskets inside, there are no signs of activity for a very long time. Instead of a star navigation room, there is a small pool of brackish water. Graynor and Ty take samples and then leave the vessel.

Sigmund looks over the lichen and water samples, but can’t determine the exact origin; most likely a swamp. Graynor brings up that there are five heralds and five of these obelisks.

At night, we all have strange dreams. There is a bright light and a path of flagstones with strange runes on them that we follow. As we walk the path, we feel very good.


Moravia Redux – Session 29

February 24th, 2024

Bellum, Ignis 29th, 1194

Tharivol visits us in the morning and is interested in what we were doing on two specific dates. The first is Ignis 11th, our first night back from the Plane Out of Time. On this day the prophecy paths on the calendar began to diverge. The second is Ignis 26th, our first day back in Ironwald Downs. On this day the calendar suddenly went silent.

We get a message delivered about our meeting with Judge of the Eye Balefrost tomorrow. Another message is delivered about our meeting concerning speaking with the dead tonight at the Temple of Enchantment (Adira).

Later in the evening, we make our way to the Temple of Enchantment. Coyle, a Holder of the Blue Key, meets with us, looks over our questions, and will deliver them to the caster. We are then ushered to a nice waiting room with many other priests. The churches of Avarra, Barnabas, Breen, Madri, Nissa, and Sarama are all represented. Sigmund and Graynor engage in light conversation with the others while we wait. Later on Coyle returns and takes us to a different small waiting room and we are informed of the results of the questioning; not all of our questions could be answered.

  • Both replied no to our divine spark questions.
  • Neither know anything about the vessel/obelisk that they fell out of.
  • The illithid worships an unknown entity; the dragon worships Sarama.
  • The illithid is from the plane/planet Prismeus; the dragon didn’t give a legitimate answer.
  • The illithid works for an elder brain; the dragon said Thundercaller, which is likely himself.
  • The illithid died in battle at a place called the Hallow Vale; the dragon didn’t give a legitimate answer.
  • The illithid and dragon didn’t know or wouldn’t talk about Kaajh’Kaalbh.

We are then given a chance to inspect Lukas’s gear; a priest of Barnabas and Sarama are also present. The gear includes the Thunderstrike Duo, a +2 pistol, elemental bullets, and a +2 dex belt. There is nothing else interesting about the gear. As we leave, the priest of Sarama (Cleric of the Eye Moonriser) asks which piece of gear interests Ralzer the most–to which he replies the Thunderstrike Duo.

Iustitia, Ignis 30th, 1194

Our meeting with the Judge of the Eye is today. Balefrost knows a bit about Stormrift’s work in fighting Kaajh’Kaalbh and says that the best way to fight him is to keep him from arriving. The mindstone dagger would have been strong enough to grab his attention, but something else could still be generating interest for him; maybe the mythic spark? He assures us that Ziggs is still working for Kaajh’Kaalbh and that removing the heralds may prevent him from arriving. He looks through Ty’s book and asks about the group that besieged the monastery; the pages have been slowly going blank for about a month now. We mention how we may investigate the star god cult in the western marshes of Halbrook and Balefrost says that he may be able to provide transportation.

After our meeting, we discuss our next course of action. We decide to visit the Hallowed Cliff monastery, since it’s not too far and we may find information on mythic power; it’ll be 8.5 days of travel.

Mors, Lux 1st, 1194

During travel, we finally identify Tolm’s staff–it only functions for followers of Kaajh’Kaalbh.

Forte, Lux 5th, 1194

Graynor had a strange dream, similar to the one when he wasn’t able to wake up when we were on the Plane Out of Time.

Vita, Lux 9th, 1194

We arrive at the Hallowed Cliff monastery at about noon; it’s been almost 7 months since Ty was last here. There’s about half as many people around as when she was here last. Ty’s family is still alive, so she has a reunion.

We ask around about the night of the attack. The assailants did not spend much time here, but they did kill everyone they came across. They were dressed as mercenaries, but were clearly much more regimented than that. They took several older books with them.

We visit the library and find that among the stolen books are subjects on the founding cities, the outer planes, the nobility of Ironwald Downs, Vallyn, and Halbrook, and many old books on arcana. Ty checks the remaining books in those sections, but none have Architect writing.

We get a book on Blackstone’s research into mythic power. One way to gain mythic power is to become a mortal herald. Unlike a deity’s true heralds—ancient and powerful extraplanar beings (such as pit fiends and solars) who live only to serve—a mortal herald has the free will and basic nature necessary to inspire others to act, for good or for ill, with that deity’s will in mind. If someone manages to gain a deity’s attention and proves their worth to said deity, that deity may visit them—appearing in person or in her dreams, teleporting her to its domain, and so on. The deity may then make them an offer to become a mortal herald. For a non-mythic person, this is a moment of ascension; for one already mythic, this could be at the end of a trial that grants another tier. This offer is not made lightly or with subterfuge. Deities watch carefully before choosing a mortal herald, for investing such power also means creating a new liability if the mortal is not up to the challenges ahead.

The benefits of being a mortal herald vary from deity to deity, and are personal: a gift of a powerful relic, recognition from worshipers that you are a direct conduit to the deity, access to some of the deity’s ability, and so on. However, there are drawbacks to being a mortal herald as well: the god’s ever-watchful eye is on you, as you hold a portion of its presence; foes of that deity can also recognize you as a direct conduit; and your soul is undeniably your deity’s in the afterlife. The trials capable of garnering a deity’s attention are both harrowing and personal to that deity. Accomplishing such a trial usually puts one in the good graces of that deity while also earning them the enmity of those who oppose that god or goddess. Not every trial necessarily results in the subject becoming a mortal herald, as the deities show gratitude in a number of cryptic and mysterious ways.

We visit the headmaster, who is unaware of the writing in Ty’s book and cannot see it. In private he confides that a surviving guard was able to see a tattoo of a dagger dripping blood on one of the assailants; this is a symbol of Uunas.


Moravia Redux – Session 28

February 3rd, 2024

Terra, Ignis 27th, 1194 (Continued)

We discuss our next moves while waiting for our meeting with a Judge. Breen is the chaotic good goddess of heroes and dragons, so they may know about mythic powers. First, we investigate the demon kill squad.

Degraded ones are semi-intelligent bipedal mounts (often ridden by debauched ones) that have a perverse beauty. They constantly detect magic and have spell-like abilities of blur, mirror image, and teleport. They attack with their long tongue and are able to pounce. When they drop a creature with their tongue, they experience a bout of ecstasy. They are immune to electricity and poison, while being resistant to acid, cold, and fire.

Debauched ones are seductive and alluring with soft, flawless skin. They have an aura of sensuality, which lures people in (will vs fascination). They have spell-like abilities of charm person, confusion, enthrall, and suggestion. They have spell resistance, damage reduction: cold iron or good, and regeneration: good or silver. They are immune to electricity and poison, while being resistant to acid, cold, and fire.

Fiends of exalted excess are moderately intelligent human/reptile/scorpion hybrids with a subtle, alluring musk that makes them harder to hit in close combat. They constantly detect magic and have spell-like abilities of confusion, fear, irresistible dance, mirror image, and teleport. They have many attacks and the stinger can deliver a paralytic poison. They have spell resistance and damage reduction: cold iron and good. They are immune to electricity and poison, while being resistant to acid, cold, and fire.

Not much is known about the demon princes that normally lead these groups. They are known to have an aura that grants their allies “advantage” and have similar defensive capabilities of the rest, including spell resistance, damage reduction: cold iron and good, immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid, cold, and fire, and likely regeneration.

We head to the Order of Thought (Breen) and meet with Touch Seeker Kyle to learn about mythic power. He doesn’t know which elder god it was that the heroes fought, but he knows about the architects. Apparently Hoarse Blackstone had other monasteries across Moravia (Blackstone, Jasper, Vallyn) and gathered information about mythic power. Most theories treat it as a skill that must be honed and cultivated. Kyle doesn’t know of Stormrift. We then retire for the night.

Forte, Ignis 28th, 1194

In the early morning we are awoken by the sounds of a large crashing noise. Many guards are running around the city delivering information. Graynor is first to arrive on the scene via a detachment from Madri.

A giant monolith has appeared just outside of the city to the northeast and looks as if it has displaced a lot of earth. It has a repulsion effect that prevents most people from getting too close; Ralzer and Luna can’t approach closer than 200 ft, while the rest of us, plus Champion Valorian, can walk up to it.

The monolith has a very smooth finish and seems to be made of stone. Ty knocks on the stone and a human, an illithid, and a huge blue dragon corpse falls out of the stone. The human has coins that look like the ones that we found in the illithid lair. He also has some firearms too, along with other magical gear. When Sigmund touches it again, nothing happens.

Ty uses empty body and takes a look around. Everything appears as normal, but above the monolith, in the sky, is a hole of purple light about a mile wide.

Sigmund utters Kaajh’Kaalbh’s name, but nothing happens. Sigmund then uses speak with dead on the human corpse and finds out that his name is Lukas, an illithid killed him, and Falkirk is his hometown. Ralzer has not heard of Falkirk. We advise Valorian that he may want to find the most powerful mages he can to cast this spell on the illithid and dragon.

We then channel our mythic power into the monolith and are pulled inside it. Wherever we end up, it’s very cavernous. The walls are worked stone and there are very tall columns, all in unadorned marble. The lunar amulet does not function here.

We follow the hallway to a gigantic room. Between the pillars here are unadorned stone boxes, about 10 ft. by 10 ft. in size. We manage to open one of them and find inside a creature of vaguely humanoid shape. It has no features and is suspended in some kind of thick liquid; it does not appear to be alive.

There is a mural on the wall that is very reminiscent of Tolm’s star map. Was this a vessel using this as a navigational tool to arrive at our planet? Sigmund begins to copy it down as best as he can and it becomes apparent that Tolm was seeing just bits and pieces of this larger mural. His journal only has areas with dark stars present in them, but he did not have all of the areas with dark stars recorded.

We try all sorts of things to find more information about this mural. When mythic energy is focused in the center of the room, the stars illuminate. Nothing happens when Kaajh’Kaalbh’s name is uttered. We try many other methods, with nothing of note occurring.

While leaving, we take one of those strange bodies with us. We are able to use mythic energy to leave, just how we entered.

Upon exiting the monolith, we are escorted to a guard station and speak with Captain Lodekiller. He is accompanied by two Keyholders (priests of Adira, the goddess of magic), and they ask a lot of questions about what we saw and did inside the monolith. We don’t have much concrete information to provide. While we were inside the monolith, they were able to confirm that other monoliths appeared near Derth (28), Bremer (20), Silverdale (24), and Oakfield (11).

Afterwards we head to the Temple of Salvation to meet with Valorian and schedule a time to be present while the bodies are investigated.

A page delivers us a note from Nadal asking for our presence. We meet with him and he tells us that a few days ago the calendar has gone completely blank; it’s still magical, however. We then tell him our story about entering the monolith.


Moravia Redux – Session 27

January 13th, 2024

Plane Out of Time, Day 5 (Continued)

We head back to the Tavern Out of Time and catch Stormrift up on our meeting with Ziggs. Stormrift is pretty interested in our metal orb. While using detect magic, he can see a new magic tether that is on everyone. He then confesses to being a dragon and tells us his true name, which is like some melodic harmony that we can’t accurately pronounce. He recognizes the name Ziggs as a herald of Kaajh’Kaalhb; one of the five heralds that the ancient heroes fought. Stormrift was part of a group that was hunting heralds in the Dark Tapestry before the time of those heroes.

Stormrift gives us a coin and tells us we need to contact the Court of Inequity (Sarama) when we get back home. We should ask for a Representative of the Eye and tell them about Kaajh’Kaalbh. He also mentions that the Temple of Conquest (Barnabas) could also be of assistance– they are a militant church, sort of an evil version of the Temple of Salvation (Madri). Both churches helped hunt Kaajh’Kaalbh back when Stormrift was active.

Ralzer investigates the orb some more and finds that it has a plane shift effect keyed to the city of Nightengale. We then inform Nehu that we will be trying to leave tomorrow.

Plane Out of Time, Day 6 – Mare, Ignis 11th, 1194

Ty goes ethereal one last time before we leave. It looks the same as before and he can’t see the tethers. Sigmund makes a couple of attempts to dispel the tethers with magic, but it doesn’t work. We then channel our mythic energy into the orb to activate the plane shift.

The spell goes off and we are in a desert with Nehu– the tethers are no longer present. Ralzer determines that the closest settlement, Hearthstone, is north and we head that way, uneventfully.

Mare, Ignis 12th, 1194

We arrive in Hearthstone and find out that it’s actually Ignis 12th– only two days have passed since we entered the last portal.

We spend two days in town shopping and crafting, then catch a boat to Aldtown Crossing, and spend 8 more days traveling to Ironwald Downs.

Mare, Ignis 26th, 1194

We arrive back in Ironwald Downs and visit Nadal to catch him up as best that we can. We muse on how both Stormrift and ourselves are agents against Kaajh’Kaalbh and ended up being trapped there. Ziggs also seemed like he was trapped; was he, too, against Kaajh’Kaalbh? Nadal asks about the elder brain and wonders how it didn’t seem to notice us at all. It should have been able to detect us within 100ft. Something similar has happened a few other times; a strange pattern. Maybe our spark makes us harder to notice. Nadal wants to borrow the Pnakotic Manuscripts and he’ll take point on allying with the Temple of Conquest.

We visit the Church of Inequity and get an appointment for tomorrow around luncheon. We then sell stuff for the remainder of the day.

Terra, Ignis 27th, 1194

We visit the Church of Inequity for our meeting. At first they try to foist us off on a lower level priest, but we make it clear that a Representative is needed. We are taken to the largest library that we’ve ever seen to meet with the Representative, Halver. We know that gifts are appreciated, so we give him the draconic book that we’ve had for months.

Halver is aware of Kaajh’Kaalbh’s calling signs, specifically the plant growth, spellgorging, purple light, and the mindstone dagger. We talk about our meeting with Ziggs, which is a name that he recognizes, and he asks about the plane we were trapped on. Ty mentions her book and it’s origins. Halver says he will look into getting us a meeting with a Judge.

We head to the Parish of Everlasting Knowledge (Avarra) to visit Mikail and catch him up on what we have been doing. He knows of the five heralds of Kaajh’kaalbh and tells us what he knows about them, as follows:

  • Alistar – minotaur, buffer
  • Blitzcrank – construct, has very long reach and can pull towards him
  • Nasus – controls wind, steals life force, tanky
  • Yorick – shepherd of souls, summons unique shadows and banshees
  • Ziggs – creates alchemist-like bombs that function better than normal, can create minefields


Moravia Redux – Session 26

January 6th, 2024

Plane Out of Time, Day 3 (Continued)

While we go talk to Stormrift, Nehu will leave and return tomorrow. We reveal our mythic power to him and he is intrigued. We talk at length about how we got this power and what led us here, then settle on finding and talking with Boomspark while Stormrift does some research.

Plane Out of Time, Day 4

Ralzer and Graynor do not wake up. Ty and Sigmund try all sorts of things to wake them– nothing works. We rule out disease and poison and eventually ask the caulborn to read their minds in exchange for some food.

Ralzer is dreaming of arcane tentacles coming out of a prismatic sky and engulfing the land, along with musing on his guns and our predicament. Graynor is enveloped in a bed of tentacles in a prismatic hue that Ty has seen before. He seems very content in his dream within a dream as he slays evil.

Ty uses empty body. The strange prismatic hue is present and tendril-like appendages are in the sky, as if around the plane, but nothing on Ralzer or Graynor. Inside the bar, there is no prismatic interference. After dragging both of them into the tavern, they wake up. We catch them up on what transpired and then head to the goblins.

Boomspark is still not in and has been gone for over three days now. Ralzer shows off some of his explosives and impresses the goblins. He will make them a gun in exchange for entry to their complex. For the rest of the day we try to find Boomspark, based on his last bearing according to the goblin guards. We travel for as long as we can before making camp.

Plane Out of Time, Day 5

During camp, four Kaajh’gor attack us. Ralzer recognizes this kind of creature; chaotic outsiders that are the creation of the outer gods. They hit pretty hard and have some magic defenses (mirror image); we kill all four.

In the morning we continue trying to track Boomspark’s group. Sigmund gets a sending from Stormrift, “Boomspark was seen entering a cave system about seven miles east and five miles north of the tavern. He was seen carrying a large object.” With these directions we are able to find the cave.

Inside the cave Ralzer feels a subtle unveiling effect. The goblins within will not let us past to see Boomspark. Sigmund attempts to negotiate, but the goblins will not budge. After a few minutes of non-lethal combat, we finally convince the conscious goblins to let us go see Boomspark.

Deep in the caverns we find Boomspark tinkering with a temporal anchor. Sigmund tells him that messing with that could destroy the plane and kill everyone; Boomspark is not concerned and says that won’t happen. Using a strange gauntlet he can draw energy from the anchor.

We detail our situation and desire to return home to him. He is not willing to engage in much conversation, but we do confirm that he is not from the same place as us. With his gauntlet he draws out some more energy and places it in a small metal sphere that he passes to Graynor, saying, “Give this to the dragon and tell him it’s from Ziggs.”

Soon after we get a very strong unveiling sensation. Ziggs, upon questioning, says he knows the feeling and refers to it as “the calling”. He also admits to having a mythic spark. Then, an enormous mass of tentacles erupts from the water. Ziggs recognizes them as arcane tentacles and begins using his gauntlets to siphon energy from the anchor and channel it into the big tentacles.

After about half a minute, three medium sized tentacles emerge and engage against us. One drops Ralzer, but Sigmund gets him up and we are victorious.

Eventually Ziggs says, “uh oh”, spikes the anchor, dimension doors to the center of the tentacle mass and then disappears with a blast of energy. The tentacles also disappear, but the unveiling feeling remains.

Sigmund uses stone shape to bury the anchor and we leave the cave without incident.


Moravia Redux – Session 25

December 16th, 2023

Mors, Ignis 10th, 1194 (Continued) – Plane Out of Time, Day 1

[Time functions differently here. The days tracked are the sleep cycle that the PCs are using.]

We eventually settle on traveling east along the road and it leads to a busy tavern, the Tavern Out of Time. There is a wide variety of races present, including a babau, a caulborn, a debauched one, some derro, some drow, an erodaemon, a fetchling (shadow), some hobgoblins, some svirfneblin (deep gnome), a sylph (wind), some tieflings, a vayuphak (asura), and lots of goblin-ish people that look darker and more stoutly built that normal goblins. Caulborns can read and consume thoughts and have a hive mind, while erodaemons can read thoughts.

Sigmund heads to the bar while the rest of us take a table. He chats with the bartender, who is a humanoid with bronze-black skin named Stormrift; it sounds like sometimes people get caught here. While the rest of us chill, Sigmund works the room to try and learn more about where we are. He finds out that it’s eternally night here and that, while no one knows of a way out, some seem certain that there is, as people arrive and then leave. The tavern is considered neutral ground, seemingly out of respect for Stormrift. The goblin-ish people are dark goblins and they really like it here. The fetchling is eavesdropping on the conversation– Sigmund notices and approaches him when his conversation is finished. The fetchling is Nehu and he is also interested in getting back to the Prime Material. Before Sigmund leaves, Nehu slips him a note, then we head outside. The note just says, “Spark?” and Ty thinks that Nehu is hitting on him. Sigmund believes that it’s referring to our mythic spark. We then head down the road eastward.

Sigmund finds us a suitable camp. During the night we are surrounded by three kinds of boilborn. Ty recognizes one of the types as infernal boilborn, which spread disease when they hit you and also explode on death. Investigator Vale encoutered a legion (no pun intended) of festering boilborns in The Phlegmatic Wail. An oozemancer, Bloubus the Unformed, lives in the sewers beneath the metropolis of Seeras. He unleashes his boilborns on the poorest district in town in an attempt to infect the populace. Bloubus wants to enforce Nature’s will and trim the weakest and most vulnerable members of society.

Plane Out of Time, Day 2

We keep following the road eastward and it leads to a dark goblin encampment. Sigmund talks to a guard, but he won’t let us in without their leader’s, Boomspark, permission and he is not present. The guard gives us directions to a couple of caves to explore and rest in. We travel to the “rest” cave and fortify it before turning in for the night.

Plane Out of Time, Day 3

We revisit the dark goblins on the way to the other cave, but are turned away by a guard. Ralzer takes a closer took at the structure, deducing that it’s older than the tavern. We walk the structure and take a closer look at the outer walls, noticing that a worn symbol is repeated in a few spots. Sigmund tries to read it with comprehend languages, which doesn’t work and he suffers feedback similar to how the Architects protect their secrets, but nowhere near as severe. Sigmund things he may have seen this symbol before, back when the well in Delanshire had issues with the church of Neith.

We head off to the other cave and begin exploring it. The water inside is glowing strangely and we find evidence of recent mining activity, looking as if something was extracted. Ty uses Empty Soul and feels an unveiling sensation; it looks prismatic, like the room with the calendar. Sigmund uses stone shape to dig into the walls of a partially excavated area. He finds something large and metal. After a couple castings, he is able to remove it. The item is a large sphere made of a some mithral composite with a sharp point. It has an overwhelming aura, but Ralzer is able to identify it as a Temporal Anchor, which are used to attract and contain certain magical attributes in a plane. Its presence may indicate that this place was created by someone who then used these anchors to contour it to specific attributes.

We head back to the Tavern Out of Time. Sigmund ask Stormrift about Boomspark, but all we learn is that he doesn’t come from around here and is not a goblin. We have a longer talk with Nehu outside the tavern, learning that he and his companions are from Vallyn and came here through a torn portal, like the others we have encountered. Nehu can sense out sparks and he has encountered this power before. We confirm with Nehu that we do have that power and he suggests talking to Stormrift about it. Stormrift is more than he seems; Nehu thinks he may be a dragon.


Moravia Redux – Session 24

November 25th, 2023

Iustitia, Ignis 9th, 1194 (Continuted)

We continue exploring and find a large room with an altar to Heltrex. Graynor notices that the area is haunted and alerts us, resulting in us being unaffected. On the walls, written in Abyssal, are descriptions of all kinds of nightmares.

Within a secret room are two incorporeal undead that Graynor identifies as haunts. Without a powerful spell, dispel evil, we can only disperse them for a few days. We disperse them and search the room. According to Sigmund, the Covenant of Tribulation (Heltrex) would drug and torture people and leave them in a room like this until they are scared to death.

When we take stairs down to a deeper level and Ralzer notices that the building is not in as good repair; whatever was preserving it is not present here. Most of the rooms down here look as if they’ve been abandoned for 50-60 years. We encounter more haunts– it seems that only apparitions of church victims remain down here. Even the furniture was taken, as if whomever left wasn’t in a hurry and may have just found a better place.

We venture back out of this structure to rest the night.

Mors, Ignis 10th, 1194

Each one of us had an uneasy sleep due to nightmares.

We head back down and find a shimmering portal that looks like the tear to the plane of water and the desert. This one doesn’t react to us like the prismatic strand on the first floor and Ralzer goes through to explore. It looks like he’s underground; it smells like a cave and there is some minor luminescence from flora.

Ralzer returns through the portal and tells of us of a statue that he saw, which is identified as an mind flayer illithid. Illithids are dangerous, very smart spell casters that use mind control to enslave people. Ty knows of them from The Souls of the Revenged, in which a mind flayer (Zyllyzx) enslaved the priest of a the Home Foundation (Cassilda) to convince his congregation to pledge their afterlives to the service of another evil being, Bartandalus. A paladin of Cassilda in ages past defeated Bartandalus and, upon retiring, founded this church.

We all enter the portal and find that sounds in this place are a little muffled; it’s most noticeable on loud things, like Graynor’s armor and Ralzer’s gun.

In one area we find a phase spider, as identified by Ralzer. We convince it that we are not a threat and leave. Ralzer says that they have a potent and dangerous venom and it’s best to not get involved.

In another alcove is a gelatinous cube. Ty remembers them from The Sapient Hypotenuse. An insane cabal of ridiculed mathmagicians is attempting to discover the Sapient Hypotenuse in order to restore the reputation among their scholarly peers. In one attempt to contact the Sapient Hypotenuse, the cult sacrifices a gelatinous cube and fails to draw the attention of the Sapient Hypotenuse. Investigator Vale was hired by this cabal to capture the gelatinous cube for their ritual, as it has “an abundance of right angles”.

Amongst the gelatinous cube are some coins; they do not look like any of the coins we are familiar with. They contain images of landscapes that none of us recognize.

We explore the rest of the complex and it looks as if we are circling some kind of structure, but cannot find a way in. We find more illithid statues, some of which are holding glowing orbs.

Ty uses Empty Step to breach the walls of the structure. Inside is clearly an elder brain, lord of illithid colonies. It doesn’t appear to notice Ty at all. We then decide to leave this area back through the portal.

We go investigate the prismatic strand portal. It takes us to a shore under a night sky (it should be afternoon), in which does not hold our stars or any moon. The lunar amulet does not function at all here and the sky doesn’t seem to be the same alien sky from Tolm’s cave. After a brief moment, the portal closes behind us. There is a small fishing boat nearby and what looks to be the remnants of a road.


Moravia Redux – Session 23

November 4th, 2023

Terra, Ignis 6th, 1194

We sell the loot and recuperate. We are unable to sell the scroll of binding and will have to try selling it in Ironwald Downs. While shopping we find a merchant selling the Stormwalker’s Attire. Mayor Heggry has arranged nice accommodations for us while we stay in the city.

Forte, Ignis 7th, 1194

We discuss our next moves and return the mithral sword to the Eldreen family. We are pretty certain that Crove’s cabal, the Keepers of the Oldest, is not what the calendar was portending.

Ralzer researches the city records and comes up with the following timeline.

  • Before 950B – Independent city – Followers of the Old Cults
  • 950B-568B – Independent city – Kel’Quay worshipers, farmers, hunters, woodworkers
  • 568B-546B – Independent city – Mercenaries, barbarians, warmongers
  • 546B-348B – Independent city – Kel’Quay worshipers, hunters, soldiers
  • 348B-305B – Independent city – Bandits, mercenaries, slavers, thieves
  • 305B-118B – Orc city – Barbarians, slavers
  • 118B-338 – Undead city – Minions of the Undying Conqueror (lich warlord)
  • 338-705 – Independent city – Eliaz worshipers
  • 705-743 – Abandoned – Ghosts, scattered plague survivors (bubonic)
  • 743-1194 – Blackstone city – Current occupants

Sigmund talks to the mayor and Rupman. Rupman gives us directions to the derro city and he doesn’t believe that the derro pose a threat to the city; as far as he knows, they keep to themselves. He doesn’t know any more about the Old Gods than we already know and suggests that Crove may have secret rooms in the basement of the asylum that we didn’t find.

Ty and Graynor gather information around town and hear rumors of a black market in the undercity.

We settle on doing a thorough search of the asylum basement. We investigate the morlock’s cell, which just leads to another cell. The morlock has no useful information for us. We find a secret library near Crove’s quarters– inside are 4 magic scrolls, research notes, nasty poetry, and a spellbook. The books in this library are quite old and we find some tomes on the Great Old Ones.

Bellum, Ignis 8th, 1194

We finish search the asylum, finding nothing else of note. We release the morlock into the undercity.

Ralzer starts reading the Pnakotic Manuscripts and Sigmund will try and read more of Ty’s book. He finds a passage about how He seeks for those with a spark and will send armies out to find them (just like the one we saw briefly). It mentions debauched ones, degraded ones, fiends of exalted excess, and refers to the leader figure as a prince of demons. We should learn more of these creatures to prepare.

Ty goes to the library to read recreationally. While there she overhears an Investigator Vale book club meeting; they meet on Bellum’s in the evening. She starts reading The Crimson Rite and finds a passage in which Vale must outwit four spawns of the Dark Tapestry; they sound very similar to the beast that the Keepers of the Oldest summoned. They deal extra damage to structures, have tenuous natural invisibility, are very intelligent, and some can cast spells spontaneously. They have many different appearances and vary greatly in size, some even look humanoid. There are old stories about how they were created to destroy life on planets. Ty checks out the book; Sigmund is dismayed.

Iustitia, Ignis 9th, 1194

Ralzer finishes reading the Pnakotic Manuscripts and gains insight into conjuration magic and the Outer Gods.

We try and trace Crove’s steps in the undercity, going to the derro town first. When we encouter some derro, we introduce ourselves with the names we provided earlier. They will escort us to their settlement and we will meet with Chief Sadek. Unfortunately, Sadek does not know what Crove was looking for down here.

We leave the town and begin retracing Crove’s exploration. We start with a route that Crove took to an area in which he did some thorough exploring. The area is at least 1,000 years old, which puts it in the age of the Undying Conqueror. There are statues of rats with their paws wrapped in chains; the rat is the favored beast of Heltrex and this could be related to her.

Ralzer notices that the stonework here is in very good condition. We feel the same sensation that we felt just before the arcane tentacles attacked or when we saw that marching army. Going forward, we’ll call this sensation an unveiling.

In one room there is a thin, prismatic strand that is very hard to see. When we approach, it expands and looks like a portal. It retracts about 30 seconds after we leave it and does not respond when Luna approaches by herself. Perhaps it’s keyed to our sparks? We’ll continue to explore the complex before interacting with this portal.

We encounter and kill a cacophonic echo, an incorporeal undead of auditory themes.