AliasThe Holy Mother, Homemaker
Spheres of influenceChildren, healing, homestead
AlignmentNeutral Good
DomainsFamily, Good, Healing, Purity, Wards
Favored weaponScythe
SymbolA farmers scythe wrapped in gold wheat stalks
Divine focusTwo linked metal rings
Holy daysThe specific dates vary from country to country, but one holy day is always the founding day of the capital. The local church may declare a particularly good and popular ruler's birthday to be celebrated for centuries.
Place of worshipTemples in cities
ColorsWhite, blue and gray
AnimalsHerding dog
AppearanceCassilda appears as a plain, brown haired, commoner dressed in work clothes
ChurchThe Home Foundation
ClergyThe Protectors
SacrificeOne week of hard labor for a worthy community cause, or tending the ill, twice per year. They also sacrifice scrap lumber on a monthly basis by burning it. The clerics then mix the ashes with holy water and use the mixture to bless new building material.
RaimentPriests of Cassilda wear colored robes in church and normal work clothes in public. They also wear short gray cylindrical caps.
Advancement within the church is based on seniority and service to the community.
BinderBlue robe
Brother, SisterBlue robe, white sash
Uncle, AuntWhite robe
Father, MotherWhite robe, blue collar
High Father, High MotherWhite robe, blue collar and cummerbund
Grandfather, GrandmotherWhite robe, blue sash
Sayings"Children are cheaper by the dozen."
“All that is good in the world can be traced back to a loving family.”
“You get what you work for.”